Friday, August 27, 2010

Life Stages

Everybody has issues. Some have academic issues which needs to be monitored 24/7 in some random library, others have issues pertaining to "god-knows-what" which can be rectified by downing 12 shots of "whatever-random-alcohol". Some, however, have issues which can only be solved after deep thought/reflection in a "conducive-environment". I found that "conducive-environment" today and realized that I had to be traveling at approximately 33-36 km/h along a straight and quiet road for this self-analysis mood/mode to kick in.

I have and always believed that age is merely a number. You're never too young or too old to see or do something. However, I believe that a life can be divided into stages, which isn't confined to any numerical perimeters; and that in each stage... you'll tend to be inclined to do certain stuff which you might not do or might not have done before. It wasn't too long ago when I was at that point in my life where I just wanted to do everything, be everywhere and so on and so forth. I wanted to be the best tri-athlete I could ever be... yet on the other hand I wanted to be up there, partying with the big boys; breezing past the long queues at clubs and chilling out with the who's who in whatever club I was in. I started to loose focus of what I really wanted in life and the goals I had set out for myself 2 years ago upon the completion of my national service. Indeed, I had forgotten the very vows I made to myself 4 years ago when I received my A level transcripts back in RJC. As I cycled past the airport, past ECP on my way to catch the final celebration of what seemed to be quite a successful inaugural YOG, I realized that I had lost control of where I wanted to go in life.

So there, as the last of the fireworks sizzled out and faded into the night sky, I decided that I have been set adrift long enough. Its not enough to just sit back and hate the world for the cards life has dealt me. Its time, I think, for me to up the ante and to start walking the talk :)

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