Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Note to you

Contrary to what you think Fudgy, no one's putting your miserable existence under any form of surveillance. It's good to see that you're actually using spellcheck for once... a pity you haven't tried the grammar-check function yet. I am glad that you're happy how your life's turning out too cause in all honesty that was something I didn't expect, given the rather "physical relationship" you seem to sustain with your "loved ones" :)

About that confrontation you so seek, I doubt its ever going to happen dear. Unlike you, I have much better things to do in life than to reenact your Korean Soap Opera fantasies with you, and trust me I know for certain too there's nothing you seem to hold sacred. I mean... if you can slam your own mother and sister online with such expletives I believe anything else is possible. It seems you have to right to er... do a lot of things in your life... things it seems any other decent girl I know wouldn't do like get drunk at a void deck...

Let's just set the record straight here, you corpulent sow (No hard feelings here, I ran your face through this Google App face recognition software and that's what came up...). You could be lying piss drunk in your own vomit and piss outside some random lup-sup bar (which you so like to frequent) and I would just walk over you without doubling back... That's how much I actually give a damn about you.

So whilst you express your right to... how should I put it... do whatever you want to do on the internet, recognize too that anyone can do the same. Just because we haven't chosen to engage doesn't mean we won't. Go back to tweeting and blogging about your rather overrated existence and keep to that or take a leaf out of your sibling's book and block off all external contact to your entries if you can't keep your stupid opinions about others to yourself. And when we do bite back Ms. Coccydynia, don't go whining about it to... your.. "loved ones". :)

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

haha kor, how did you manage to decipher whatever it wrote? it was so bad that i could barely comprehend. though i must acknowledge her feeble attempts at inserting random 3 syllabic words. the grammar, however, is worse than my 'special' kids!

hahaha! and confront you, ms drive-while-i'm-drunk? please, like i said, you have the intellect of a three year old, wait scrap that, you have the intellect of a dead log. AND remember what your lords said before? "pick on someone of your equal standing" YOU are NOT our equal, therefore it would be extremely unfair to argue with you. so if you would like to talk, sure thing actually. i'll send sumo to deal with you. i'm sorry, know it will still be rather unfair to you, but he's the one with the lowest form of intellect in our family.

ohh and like my brother said, you can be lying dead drunk and i still wouldnt look at you twice. while he would step OVER you, i would step ON you. because seriously, you are kinda wide and i cldnt possibly cross you in one stride. heehee, you see DEAR corpulent sow, we care THAT much (:


Jason Yip said...

We're playing on very different fields here la. I don't think she got half the innuendoes... But I am glad it found the results of the Google App hilarious... Result One: Sow getting hit by Boar after eating ice cream, Result two: Sow getting hit by another Sow, Result three: Sow drunk on alcohol and asleep on a farm wheel, Result four: Sow getting attacked by another group of Sows, Result five: Sow laughing at bigger Sow for looking light... a Sow... :)

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm just a random passerby. And although I do understand that this is a family matter of sorts, my thought has always been that if one is prejudicial, one should refrain from making a personal comment albeit the intent of the entry might not want to be seen or come across as snide. Just a thought so that maybe this might help you find peace in your heart. :). All the best.

Jason Yip said...

I don't get many people who "pass by" blog but they seem to come by quite a lot when the subject of the post involves the subject of family. I appreciate the good intent of your post and will keep in mind the good advice offered.

However, I would like to commend your admirable but futile use of a thesaurus. For example, the word 'prejudicial' must be followed by a subject to which it alludes to. Alas, 'albeit' too, is used in an incorrect context, it is a superfulous word when 'although' would suffice. Furthermore, I believe that the second last sentence is also grammatically unsound. I believe the sentence should read, "one should refrain from making a personal comment as the entry might come across as snide and immature."

Just some food for thought that I thought I'd share, in hope that your future responses to my entries will make some sense :). All the best.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Lol I'm sorry. My English is nothing compared to you anyway, I was just sharing my thoughts. You needn't be so sarcastic, I mean no harm and have no ill intention towards you. :).

Anonymous said...

hmmm hey kor, you should totally stop writing about anything else other than family issues. might end up a SUPER blogger one day.. HAHAHAHA! 'random passerbys' huh?

and yes, to that 'random passerby', learn to crawl before you run. no offence but seriously, that was just senseless jargon. AND we have peace in our hearts, that's why we were civil and this was ALL that we did. this is us being very very kind and peace-loving :D

so 'random passerby', have a nice life. i guess we'll be seeing you again if/when there is another familial saga. till then, work on your grammar and learn to use a thesaurus/ dictionary properly, only then would it be possible to actually comprehend you.


Jason Yip said...

Good you realize :) Unfortunately I wasn't being sarcastic, I was merely being honest. Just some slight correction to your sentence I've made:"My standard of english isn't comparable to yours." and the other correction I made is "I mean no harm and bear no ill intent towards you." Sorry I thought we should both learn from this :) On another note, granted that my familial issues seem to be of immense interest to you, I thought I'd share this popular saying about good intent with you; "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I am doing perfectly fine here babe, but I believe there's another twitter account somewhere out there that needs a good samaritan like you :)

Anonymous said...

Well okay then. I hope you'll find peace and sort things out with your family one way or another. :).