Tuesday, December 28, 2010


2010 hasn't been what I would consider a great year. Sure, there were tons of good times but... just not great. I travelled up to Scandinavia for the first time, had tons of fun in NUS with the Aquathlon and the Swim teams, moved into my new place and had the opportunity to design and do up my own room... many things indeed and for that I feel blessed and happy. However, as mentioned previously, there were stuff that happened that kinda put a dampener on this otherwise wonderful year. My lousy grades (which will impact how 2011 turns out significantly...), my dismal performance in swimming and triathlon (which hit an all time low this year...) and my overall lack of enthusiasm and focus in life... these have been quite the dampeners in my life thus far. It was about a year ago when I wrote this entry as my last post for the 2009:

Its hard to believe that just 10 years ago, without Sumo or this lappy to keep me company, I was getting all excited as I marked the end of a good 1999. Excellent PSLE grades, entry into RI... the sky seemed like the limit then and I was invincible. As the years went by, I got lazy and stopped working hard to bring myself to new limits and reality... through gravity... sent me crashing back down to earth. So here I stand, somewhat battered and bruised, my ego shattered upon the dusty floor, looking skywards where my mates are now soaring high above enjoying the fruits of their labour. Stung with envy and ravaged by self pity, I have cried, screamed in rage and in the terminology of the 21st century, emo-ed about the state I was and am in countless times. However, I have also learnt from my mistakes and realized what I must do next to get back up in the sky where I know I belong. The next ten years are going to come and go twice as fast, as what others who have made that journey all say, and I don't intend on taking a backseat this time around. So with that I say farewell to 2009 and hello to a new start in 2010:)

It is most unfortunate that after typing that entry, I left it rot in the archives and didn't pay heed to any of it. I knew what would happen if I slacked and strayed... and did it anyway. In short, as a teammate so wholly put it as I confided in him, I had it coming. I will be 24 next year. Things aren't looking too good at the moment but I hope I can leave a much better end-note for 2011. I realized that what I needed wasn't a Zukerberg moment but a Rockefeller or Gardner moment. I need to get real and start fighting for what I want. Goodnight world.

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