Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The job hunt hasn't been going exactly as planned and it's times like these when one starts to doubt one's capabilities and self worth. As I stand idly by and watch as my friends get one offer after the other... I find myself asking time and time again... "What happened?" It's wasn't too long ago when I stood at the precipice of teenage-hood-dom (or whatever you call it...), with that sense of invulnerability... believing that there was nothing that could get me down. 5 years later, here I am lost... pretty much undecided and clueless about where I am and what my role in this universe is. Every "thank you for your interest but unfortunately you're not the best match" letter only serves to reaffirm the sad state of my life. Having said that, I've decided to start writing again. I started this blog 5 years ago when I was still serving my nation. Maybe through here, I will find some clue about what to do next. 

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