Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week 3

Tutorials have already begun and I am still struggling with the many readings they have given us. Time is a commodity I simply do not have enough of. Its amazing how the principles of economics applies so relevantly to my academic life. So much reading done, yet so little knowledge gained. I blame it solely on the 12-14 hours sleep sessions I take on a daily basis... severely detrimental. Alright... 5 min break up... back to a quick one hour of reading before heading to the pool :)

Monday, August 25, 2008


Less than two weeks... and I am not even up to scratch yet.. Shucks I need a miracle!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Adrenaline Rush

Had a great ride this morning with Norman, Des and JJ, with an average speed of approximately 33-35 km/h... total distance approximately 83km for me. (: Kudos to Norman for doing it without cleats haha... Tomorrow marks the official start of the school semester, its been a while since I hit the books so I am just hoping things go according to plan. Film and History... I hope they do have good flicks (:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What a wreck

I can't seem to smile right... All I can hope for now is some "photoshop magic" :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Only with an ending can one have a new beginning :)

Yesterday marked the final day of hall orientation and despite the hiccups along the way, punctuated by my occasional grunts of unhappiness at the most , I must say that the whole experience has most certainly been an extremely fruitful and memorable one. Some may say that the entire experience was a childish affair, perhaps even a terrible waste of a precious weekend. I would be lying if I denied I ever had any inclinations to think that way too but I guess one can only make his/her conclusion upon going through the whole "thingy". I made mine and I guess it is only for me to know and you to try and find out. Thank you Seniors (If you guys ever do chance upon my blog) for making our initiation into TH such a heart-warming one :) 


I am glad I made the right choices :)