Saturday, December 27, 2008

Light at the end of the Tunnel

I think the ride has just about come to an end. Certain stuff that should never been said have been said and certain actions which should never been done have been done. Perhaps its time to let go and let the healing begin. Let's not make this a cyclical episode every festive season... On the lighter side of things, I am glad for the people that have been around for me during this rather un-festive season. Thanks for making things much better and thanks for just being there. To the rest of the world which just went by... oh well what I can I say... I think I have had a long enough break anyway... 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Waning Interest

Its dying...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Diamond Dealer. Coffee Trader. Investment Banker. Entrepreneur. Club Owner. Car Dealer. Computer Hacker. I sure as hell don't see any of these listed under the "Job Prospects for Shit-Arse Smart University Graduates" list. I am going to learn and do the things that matter from now on. 

Why be a lawyer when you can hire ten, be a doctor when you can shape the way future hospitals work or be an engineer when you can own a hotel... I am have always been a dreamer... always... then I started to be a talker... now to be a believer and more importantly by my next entry.... a do-er... Merry Christmas to all. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reality Check

When things start to take a turn for the worst, they have a way of just synching themselves so that one disaster after the next hits you consecutively.... But I am pretty sure this episode's about over for me. Despite the terrible times, the great company and advice I got and received (at the most awkward of hours too... my apologies) showed me the meaning behind good friendship and comradely. I sincerely hope that I could be half a good a friend you all were to me over the last week. I am not too happy with how my life is going till now but I am more than ready to get up and do something about it... desperate times call for desperate measures... so I should be in for a rather good time :)

There was a good article in today's TODAY... I'll quote it once I get my hands on the online copy... and yes Caramel Macchiato is a welcome change from Green Tea Frappachino... 

Friday, December 19, 2008


I don't think I want to carry on anymore. I am just so screwed up, I can't focus anymore. I am calling it quits. On everything. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Walk on

Love songs (especially those that echo every Wednesday @ Jiak Kim Street) often tell of how one falls in and out of love in 3 minutes. Definitely a lesson for the uninitiated. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Word

One Word was all it took. Thanks :)

On a lighter note... we do have some of the crappiest bloggers (personal opinion) on the net. Gross...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I thought I could read the signs. Turns out I just can't seem to interpret you half the time. Don't let this leap of faith be in vain.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Whispering my goodbyes, waiting for the train...

I honestly did not know what to expect at this year's Zoukout. Before purchasing the tickets, I did ask those who went last year about their experience. Some hated it, some loved it, some thought that clubbing in beach attire over 12 hours (and paying a huge sum of money for lack of air-conditioning and sand in your shoes/sandals) was a little over-rated. With those feedback in mind, one could say I was without expectations. 

Now that I have "Zouked" out by the beach, I can say with 95 percent confidence that the experience was indeed a memorable one. The larger space more than made up for the other discomforts. The music was great and the crowd... wilder than those encountered on a typical Wednesday night. Binge-drinking, Mindless grinding and Indiscriminate jumping about was the name of the game last night. The Mambo segment from 2245 to 0230 was definitely the highlight of the night for me... (What else did you expect). My biggest regret was not cam-whoring during this year's Zoukout... and booking a room... and securing better ticketing prices... and... and... haha the list goes on I guess. Thanks to Aldrich, Dexter, Joshua and YL for the excellent company last night :) 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Planning is the key to avoiding the Nasty shock of failures

Two Holidays, One Ironman race, One half-ironman race, one wild weekend out and renovation stuff. So much stuff to do... so little time... well... busy is good I guess...

History is written by the victors

I was sent a link to a rather interesting article today pertaining to the story of the rise of the PAP government in Singapore in the 1960s and 70s. I must admit that the article proved itself to be an eye-opener to what may have happened back then. The recent declassification of a number of British Colonial Records with regards to the events surrounding Singapore's fight for self-governance did make me re-think the "Singapore Story" as it was thought to us repeatedly through the various National Education and Social Studies modules through our Primary and Secondary education years. Singapore is what it is today, for better or for worse, because of the actions and determination of our forefathers and there is nothing to deny that fact. However, I believe that as citizens of a country which has come so far in so little a time, we're more that capable of handling the truth of what happened in those years of turmoil and instability. The lessons from the actions decided upon then could perhaps help us better appreciate the sacrifice of those who sweat and bled for our nation. 

The link as follows:

Disclaimer: In light of recent events, I thought it'd be wise for me to just mention that I am in no way politically inclined in any direction :) I am very happy with my life thus far and thankful for the system in place which enabled me to succeed and prosper. The reason why I feel that this information should be shared is because I feel (personal opinion) that knowing another piece/ part of the story would allow us to better understand how Singapore is what it is today :) 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


500 m Warm-up

15 X 100 m pulling [moderate - fast]

6 X 100 m kicking [Still very weak... need to work on kick frequency]

600 m Drills [Single Arm/ Catch up]

50-100-150-200-150-100-50 Pyramid [Slowed down during 200m]

100 m Cool Down

2 X 25 Sprint 75 Stoke

50 m Cool Down

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The plans that were not to be.

I was supposed to be at the Padang at 2.00 a.m. However, as predicted by a multitude of people, I was tucked in bed, safely away from the sweaty bods and over enthusiastic marathon-runners. I woke up at 11 a.m, feeling unhappy and pissed off about missing the marathon (for about 14 seconds), and headed out with my mum, sis and pooch to tidy up the new place. We spent the greater part of the afternoon replanting, trimming, hacking and grooming the flora around the garden. Despite the number of people chilling out around the garden, I must add that the bulk of the work was done by my godfather and maid... hey gardening isn't my specialty aye! :) Despite the absolute lack of activities (except for the uprooting and re-potting done by the "gardeners"), I must admit that the company more then made up for it. 

Congrats to the marathon-runners too for achieving their respective goals and times. I hope you know that I was rooting for all of you in lala-land. Till the next entry :)

Swim, Run & Bike

800m Easy Swim [Open Water Swim]

5 km Moderate Run [Fast first half, slower second]

Leg Drills and Simple Core Work out

100 km bike [West Coast, LCK, Mandai loop] 

Its about 1 am and my bio-clock is so damn screwed up. Will be heading out to the padang soon. 

Friday, December 5, 2008


Everyone has a temper; an upper-limit; a breaking point or whatever you wanna call it. I just reached mine. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Post-Mambo Reflections

The December 3rd outing to Zouk was a much anticipated one and despite missing the first half an hour of Retro classics and forgetting a better half of the songs due to the long abstinence, the overall experience was nothing short of perfect. Despite the din and throngs of people milling about, I did manage to catch up with a number of friends, with whom I have not seen for a while. I thoroughly enjoyed the selection of songs... again to reiterate the fact that nothing beats a good wednesday night out at Zouk :) well except perhaps for a nice long uninterrupted sleep on Thursday Morning and Afternoon :) Next Wednesday's plan shouldn't be too different I guess.

My Grandmother once mentioned a quote which pretty much sums up my sentiments about some recent events. "Rice, when cooked, can be eaten freely without consideration; Words, when said, cannot be retracted despite regret". Interesting how an ancient (to my knowledge) quote still holds through today. Till the next entry :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


9.0 Km run around Bedok Reservoir. 

[First 4.3 km moderate, Second 4.3 km fast, 400m drills and cool down.] 

Good Feeling during the run :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The night a deafening stillness that shrouds all across the land.
The gunshots cease to echo, drowned out by silent prayers.
The crimson sea of red flows on, only to empty into a basin of tears.
Those three night a silent reminder, that so often slips our mind,
Of  the price of peace and hope, the cost of war and anger. 

- Jason Yip

Swim & Bike

800m Warm-up

 [I did easy stroking, trying to get back the feel of the water.]

12 X 100m Pulls 
[Mod-Hard pace. Again was focusing more on the strokes and the feel. Did get a bit laggy towards the end] 

600m Kicks
[Nothing fantastic...]

5 X 200m Swim 
[Started off a bit lethargically but it got better towards the end]

4 X 50m Sprint
[Didn't make the best out of the set... ]

100m Cool-Down

Notes: Started earlier. I think swimming works better when swimming with others :( oh well...

Cycled from school to home
[Great ride! :)]

Monday, December 1, 2008


One and a half loops Bedok Reservoir plus journey to and fro... should be about 7.5-8 km 

Mindless Violence

I believe that if you've got a point to make, make it. In the process of making that point, however trivial it maybe, do it at no cost or burden to others. Especially those who have no part at all in your devious, heinous acts. The brutal murders of innocent tourists and unarmed women do not aid your cause in anyway. Terrorists seems to be the terminology most commonly used in labeling the individuals responsible for these acts. Cowardice seems to be a more appropriate label if you ask me. I have learnt that events take on a very different light when they strike close to home. Peace should never, ever be taken for granted. My condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Mumbai attacks. Goodnight world. 

Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
It is right and it is duty.

- Oscar Romero

Sunday, November 30, 2008


In the blink of an eye, my first semester in NUS has come and gone. Just like that. Contrary to popular belief, the hype surrounding matriculating is definitely a whole load of bull. In all honesty, I found the company, with the exception of a number of individuals, rather tiresome and the atmosphere rather... stifling. There was little spontaneity involved in day to day interactions and everyone shuffled around the school like clockwork tin soldiers, their focus fixed solely on accomplishing that next objective on that never-ending to-do list. On a more personal level, I do not even enjoy the modules I am reading. Its boring and, in my humble opinion, almost irrelevant to what I want to do later in life. All my life (let's take the age of ten as the lower limit in this definition of life), my greatest fear was grow up and be a nobody. To work long hours for decades only to fade away without leaving an impression on the people and environment around me. Looking at the way things are going thus far, I sure as hell am on the right path to doing just that. My life is a perpetual plan-in-progress. Aiming there, planning for this, yearning for that. I am trapped in a rather viscous and dissatisfactory circle or unfinished business and unaccomplished dreams and I fear as time edges forth, I will be dragged further down into the deep dark abyss of anonymity and eternal regret. If only I can find the strength to start walking the talk. I sure as hell hope the 7.35 km sprint was a sign of good things to come. Till the next entry. 

"Once upon a time,
I dreamt
I was a butterfly...Suddenly
I awoke...Now, I do not
know whether I was then
a man dreaming I was
a butterfly, or whether I
am now a butterfly dreaming
that I am a man."

- Chuang-Tzu

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stuff for Sale!! Triathlon Helmets and Sailing boat

Giro Advantage TT Helmet 2008 (Small Silver/White)

The Giro Advantage 2 Aero Helmet made its debut in the 2006 Tour de France. The Giro Advantage 2 is a CPSC compliant evolution of Giro's famed Advantage model, and was developed with countless wind tunnel hours and the feedback of several elite riders over the last three years.

The Giro Advantage 2 is truly a top-level race product. In wind tunnel sessions with Lance Armstrong and other elite riders, the Advantage 2's performance was benchmarked against rival designs and Giro's own aerodynamic fairings (helmets with no impact absorbing layer). The results show that the Advantage 2's design produced remarkably similar drag numbers to previous designs, and is among the fastest of designs tested.

The Giro Advantage 2 was honed to a razor's steely perfection in the heat of elite competition. If you need a helmet that slices the wind, slashes your time, and is on the cutting edge of aerodynamic performance then the Giro Advantage 2 is the aero helmet for you.


• In mold construction 
• 5 vents with internal channeling to keep you cool while turning up the heat! 
• Wind tunnel and competition-proven design 
• 11 oz., 310g

Review by a British Rider:  Awesome helmet. bought this back in january and have done about 5 time trials with it since. It's extremely comfortable which makes a change for giro and is well vented. i bought mine in white but now ive seen this colour im jealous. anyway this helmet is pretty ding dong!

Image not to scale :)

Giro Advantage TT Helmet 2006 (Small Silver)

<The Giro Advantage 2 Aero Helmet made its debut in the 2006 Tour de France. The Giro Advantage 2 is a CPSC compliant evolution of Giro's famed Advantage model, and was developed with countless wind tunnel hours and the feedback of several elite riders over the last three years. 

The Giro Advantage 2 is truly a top-level race product. In wind tunnel sessions with Lance Armstrong and other elite riders, the Advantage 2's performance was benchmarked against rival designs and Giro's own aerodynamic fairings (helmets with no impact absorbing layer). The results show that the Advantage 2's design produced remarkably similar drag numbers to previous designs, and is among the fastest of designs tested. 

The Giro Advantage 2 was honed to a razor's steely perfection in the heat of elite competition. If you need a helmet that slices the wind, slashes your time, and is on the cutting edge of aerodynamic performance then the Giro Advantage 2 is the aero helmet for you. 

PS: The review is basically the same because it is actually the same helmet... just an older model... :) 


- Roc Loc 4 Fit System 
- In mold construction 
- 5 vents with internal channeling to keep you cool while turning up the heat! 
- Wind tunnel and competition-proven design 
- 11 oz., 310g 

Laser (Radial/ Full Rig) Sailboat 

As I am retiring from Dinghy Sailing (Well technically I stopped sailing approximately 2 years ago), I am looking to sell off my trusty old Laser. I will be able to fit up the sailcraft in either the radial or the standard rig depending on what you're looking for. If you're interested in viewing the craft or would like to find out a bit more about the boat (which I strongly encourage you too!), please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail addresses: OR Drop me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible :) 

As for the helmets, lets just leave it as miscommunication and miscalculation. We've (My Buddies and I) have done our home work and as soon as we successfully let these helmets go we're getting another pair for ourselves too, so do rest assured there is absolutely nothing wrong with the helmets :) 
Pricing for the Helmet is as follows:

2008: 235
2006: 165
Laser: 7000 (TBC)

As I have mentioned earlier, any queries about any item please do feel free to drop me a message :) 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

White Tiger Mauls Man at the Singapore Zoo

I managed to find the video. Its painful but I guess this serves as a reminder just when the boundary between men and nature should be drawn. My condolences to the family. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tick Tock

One more week. Then the countdown to the adventure of a lifetime begins. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ramblings: Part 2

All Essays Down. Mugging to commence... when it commences. Cook-out in approximately 30 hours time. Training in 4. Yikes... dancing to O-zone now... If only the cursed video-camera works :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Check this out!

Blissful Driving 

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Frenzied typing. 
Island Creamery. 
Lonely Nights.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change for the Future

I guess anything is possible if you fight hard enough. Game on. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Iphone - I-dilemma

The One?

Truth be told, I had fixed my sights on the iphone ever since it was launched here. However, the feedback and reviews the phone has been getting has not been really encouraging. The plans and data limits are terribly restricted and a month's usage may render me penniless upon receiving my phone bills. I am not really good with technology but I did manage to find a rather comprehensive article on why the iphone isn't as marvelous as what it is put up to be. Here's the article that greatly influenced my decision to give the iphone, as much as I am still crazy over it, a miss... [ thats the blog address... do browse through this blog, it does provide a rather interesting read. After this article below, he did write a follow up article on the general performance of the iphone after he purchased one... and just so you know... the second article didn't help change my decision much either]


Apple has been very good at coming up with innovative products from iPod classic, shuffle, Touch, then iPhone.  After a long wait, (legitimate) iPhone finally arrived in Singapore. I gave it a miss on their launch and I gave it another miss last Sunday. Read on why…

Before I start with the ‘why’, I need to establish an impression on where I am or why I am qualified to have an opinion that I have. I travel a lot and I worked in telecommunication industry for almost 10 years now. Mobile phone is a must and I depend on it a lot. I have at least 4 primary phones that I bring around everywhere with spare batteries for each phone. I choose phone based on their performance, stability and versatility and almost of my choices are the popular phones in the market.  Example: Nokia N95, N95 8GB, E90 Communicator, N73, etc. These phones are really popular not because heavy ads or something but due to its design and performance.

Few of the most basic criteria of a mobile phone is stability, usability and coverage. 

  1. Phone must be stable so that it is dependable as reliable communication devices.
  2. Phone must have a high usability that it is easy to use and intuitive. This includes a good and friendly user interface.
  3. Phone must have a good coverage i.e. multiple radios to ensure coverage in different part of the world.

iPhone, despite all it’s features and hype, does not meet all of the above. I was so glad that I didn’t purchase the iPhone during its launch. When I read that Apple has released new software for the phone v2.1 and the fixes includes ‘ less dropped call, improve battery life, etc’ I can only think that previous software must be crappy. A phone can’t be dropping calls due to software!! It is understandable if network coverage is bad but not the phone itself. In my opinion, it has to prove itself as a stable device to be use for a consumer primary device.

iPhone also associated with ‘locking’ customer to an operator. Despite the one sold in Singapore are unlocked but it is not really full unlocked just like any other phones sold in the local market. Why?

  1. SingTel always stated ‘Use SingTel SIM card to experience the iPhone’. The staff at SingTel shops always downplay the possibility of using the phone with m1 or starhub cards.
  2. It has a limit of 4 SIM card, after which the phone is locked. I’m not sure if that’s a 4x change of SIM card or 4 different unique SIM card. Have you heard any unlocked/normal phones that has a limit of number SIM card it’ll allow to? Well I haven’t.

iPhone has also a unique revenue sharing contract, this lead to higher monthly plan than any other phone. Compare M1’s SunSaver which offer similar talk time to SingTel iPhone’s base Flexi plan but at about S$ 15 more.

Last Friday, I came to Singtel ComCentre to get an iphone also to see the product myself. The staff (even those specialized at iPhone) are not fully competent in answering my questions. The staff unable to explain in details the limitation of 4 SIM cards (unique or number of SIM card change). One staff said it’ll NOT work with M1/Starhub SIM Card which is incorrect.

Other gripes? well plenty:

  1. Battery is not removable - Bad design, considering that we need to use the phone extended time at certain occasions and battery needs to be able to be replaced.
  2. Can’t cut and paste - Really a showstopper
  3. Can’t forward SMS - What.. Missing basic feature?
  4. Can’t do video call - hello…… 3G -> Video call!! esp. with that bigsized screen
  5. 2Mpix camera without autofocus or flash -> What kind of outdated camera is that?
  6. Spend more $$$ to get decent pouch or risk having the iPhone cosmetically damaged very soon.

It may be a beautiful product, but to me it’s a fashion phone rather than a reliable phone. I’d rather get a basic phone that does excellent basic call function rather than a polished and shiny phone with a dropped call.

When I called SingTel customer service, the officer mentioned that plenty of stocks still available. Interesting! What is more interesting is that, Singtel sent an email today:

If you port your mobile number to SingTel and purchase an iPhone, we guarantee your iFlexi plan won’t be beaten by anyone else!*

Our records indicate that you have not purchased your iPhone 3G from SingTel.

I am so confident about our iPhone offer, if and when our competition launches a cheaper iPhone 3G rate plan, we will match it.

This offer is just for you and is not transferable! You must bring this letter to a hello! store before 30 September 2008 to be eligible.

There has never been a better time to experience the iPhone 3G on SingTel’s unrivalled 3G network.

For more details on pricing please
What’s stopping you from porting your mobile number to SingTel today and getting your own iPhone 3G?

*SingTel iPhone 3G Price Plan Guarantee: If you come across an advertised post paid mobile iPhone 3G bundled price plan from another service provider in Singapore before 31 December 2008 we make sure you are not worse off for your price plan as follows:If the included bundle of local outgoing voice minutes, local SMS and data bundle is similar and the subscription price lower we will match the bundle for local voice, local SMS, data and subscription price.If the subscription price is similar, but the plan includes more local outgoing voice minutes, local SMS and data bundle we will match the bundle for local outgoing voice minutes, local SMS, data and subscription price.The matching will be for the duration of your fixed term post paid contract with SingTel. This is a special promotion for the person named in this email and is not transferable. You must port your number to SingTel post paid to be eligible for the iPhone 3G Price Plan Guarantee. If you come across a cheaper advertised rate, you must let SingTel know by sending an email to We will verify your e-mail and change your rates within two months of you letting us know. Cancellation fees and other costs may apply when you switch from your current provider. SingTel’s normal credit policies and terms and conditions apply.

 The way I read this, the sales of Iphone is not that well. Stocks aplenty and it tries to assure customer to get iphone now rather than later by Starhub or M1. I also read that it is quite confident that no rates will be lower than Singtel until end of the year. So does Starhub and M1 will only launch iPhone next year? Let’s see.  

Whatever it is, it’s not a fully matured product, not really cheap initially, expensive running cost and restrictive (SIM limitation), etc. iPhone - good bye for now… Ring me again when you’re better shape and when operator charges better for your services.


Thats that for the preview/review of the Iphone and the plans and services which come with it... opinions anyone?

Intelligent Posts

A political blog. That dangerous yet altogether interesting idea was raised today in a random class in a random university in a random town in a random island state. Now that's what I call a brave step into the unknown. 

On a more personal agenda, I think I shall rest early today (taken in the context of hall life in that random university). Team NUS Temasekian Biathletes' cook out tomorrow! Something worth waiting for... wait I don't think I was supposed to do that right? Hah. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Addition

taxification [tak-si-fi-key-shuh n]


1. the science or technique of selecting vehicles to carry passengers for a fare, usually calculated by a taximeter 

taxi.fy [tak-si-fahy]
-verb (used with object)
1. to select vehicle for conversion into taxicab
-verb (used without object)
2. to become taxified : Oh my gosh, the Toyota Cameray has been taxified

[Origin: 2008; used in horrification upon realization that numerous models of cars have been converted into taxis]

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Slumber Party

This post was typed with no background music playing, no games blaring and no loud disruptive chattering. Jia Jie, our gracious host, mulls over our potential competitors list for the upcoming season as ZY drifts into lala-land. Prince Ma is currently showering whilst I hack away at my mindless blogging. (This is going to be a mindless post anyway...) Regardless of hard and fast the world shifts and spins, I hope somethings like good sportsmanship, comerade and friendship never change. Ever. 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reflections at Fong Seng

Today's entry was not written by me. Well not entirely anyway.  After a terribly late supper last night at "the land of oil, lard and simple carbs", Nicolas decided to pen down his reflections on the rather meaningful conversation we had about school, life and basically about the choices we make today and its impact on us tomorrow. Prior to this supper session, I had the great fortune of dining with some of the people that I can only dream of being in time to come. With that, I have come to realize that life isn't about hitting the top of the bell curve in school in every single assessment nor is it about accumulating massive amounts of wealth before kicking the bucket. Perhaps its all about being who you really are and being the best you can ever be. Its about making your own road and leading your life to your fullest not for anyone but yourself.  Words don't do justice to the sentiments we felt as we sipped our "tea-ping" along Pasir Panjang Road at 2.30 am in the morning but Nicolas certainly did a mighty fine job in capturing the essence of it all. 


I am a person who likes to reflect on things. And after our supper, this was the result of my reflection. Its just to share. so... yup! See ya all in the morning!


It is 2:45am now. I just came back from a nice drink with Jason and Jia Jie. It was the best cup of Teh Tarik I have ever had. We talked about many things. It began with triathlon and the aquathlon team. Then we shared stories of our past sporting experience. Eventually we came down to school life. Without joining the biathlon, my school life would be meaningless. I am interested in food science, and I take modules that I am truly interested in. But I hate the mentality that everyone has, that we must get an A. Everyone is gunning for that A. Everyone is mugging and doing everything they can for it. I would like an A. It would be a reflection of the effort I put in. It would be nice. But even if I put in effort, there is always a chance that something might happen and I do not get that result. Shit happens, thats life. I can accept that.

But I absolutely detest it when I am surrounded by people who wants that A at all cost. Its all about the A, its not about doing what we want to, its about doing what is easiest to get that A. Its not learning, its memorising and regurgitating to get that A. There is no meaning in the act, because when I get that A, I can cling on to it and show the world that this justified everything. And when I get that first class honours, I can hang and frame up that certificate and tell the world. "Hey, look at what I've got. Everything I did was for this. All that sacrifices and now I have this certificate."

"Even if you win the rat race, you are still a rat."

It is interesting to note here Jia Jie pointing out that CEOs and the big bosses are not people with great grades. And Jason added that it is all the people with nicely framed 1st class honours certificates who stayed up late and rushed their work. And they will call their boss at 10pm and they will get the reply "can you do it tomorrow?" -slam. I admit, this may not be the case in every single company. But I will place my money on the fact that people up there are not those who furiously copy notes and spend 10 hours doing a lap report for 2 points of their final grades. They are people who have that something else. Networking skills? Flair? All I can say is, they are not people with those dead zombie eyes.

I cannot do that. I cannot tell myself "I am going to sacrifice this time now to get a good degree and start doing what I really want to do after that." Because it will just go on and on, and I will hold my dreams back to save up for a house, a car, and to watch the kids grow up and then I will be dead. I will be dead before even living.

I always look forward to trainings. Because there is when I am with people who train for a cause. We all have our own goals and own reason for donning the tri-suit, tuning the bike, hitting the pool and pounding the pavements. My reason is simply because doing it is makes me feel alive. It is something I find meaning in. Christians go to church, Buddhists pray in temples and I swim-run-bike. Its just that.

Jia Jie, Jason and myself. As Jason said, we will all probably be better off overseas. Where there is more emphasis on sports and people spend their 21 smoking majiana and pot while writing their assignments and drawing smiley faces on their exam papers. Ok, thats not something I will do, but such a concept is just totally unheard off in Singapore.

I want to live the life the way I choose. Here we are, in the middle of the pack. I am imagining being among a huge crowd and we are going to start a marathon. I am rubbing shoulders with those beside me. The horn sounds and people move forward. What can I do?

I am pushed along forward, after a while i start jogging, not knowing why. You know, the whole world can be doing something and they can be wrong. And the hardest thing to do is to believe in oneself have faith in our own action.

"What will you do when the race is run? Turn your golden faces into the sun?"

The greatest thing I discovered today is that I have two more comrades fighting by my side. We fight for what we believe in, or at least we try very hard to. Namaste my friends.

At the end of the day, there will be no cheers, no celebration, no fireworks. The world will carry on and everyone will run by. I will stand on the empty road and watch the sunset. Should I run or should I not. As long as I am choosing the life I choose, it doesn't really matter. The sunset is beautiful, enjoy. There is no victory dance, no one to pat me on the back, no one to say you did the right thing. No one, except my truest friends, will smile in affirmation of that choice.

After writing this, I seached online for that scene after Harold Abraham won the 100m sprint in the 1924 olympics. But I could not find it. From memory, it showed him sitting in the bar with his coach Sam Mussabini. And Sam Mussabine said something like "Today, you and I have achieved something great, but everyone just goes about their damn lives. For us, today is our night! Your and mine!"

The last thing I want to write about is what Jason mentioned happened at the Kona 2008 Ironman. Chrissie Wellington was leading in the cycling leg when she had a flat. Her attempts to fix it failed. Rebekah Keat cycled by and gave her a CO2 cartridge. At that point, she must have did it knowing that she was giving away her gold medal.



Thanks Nicolas for these short yet powerful words. Time to stop existing and start living.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Year 1 Biathletes who reside on Campus :) 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Short and Hard

Great ride today. At least my knee's holding up pretty well. Wasabi Fillet-o-fish gets an "ok" grade from me. Nothing Fantastic. I am thoroughly drained but I guess that makes me thoroughly satisfied too. Till the next ride. Back to the damn essay.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lights out

Thanks Jon for letting me be the hero in your room... My my... did that sound wrong. :) Splinter Cell is a great game as Jon and I have discovered at 2 am in the morning. He knocked off whilst I was halfway in disarming a nuclear missile, in North Korea, which was cruising towards the USN Ronald Reagan in the Sea of Japan. I think I saved the day. Dinner was great, Thanks to both Mr. Z and Mr Ma for the invites. 

On another random note, I feel like writing intelligent articles on my blog. Random Intelligent Articles. I like the sound of that. 

And to my lil'sis, I am really sorry for some of the things I said in anger yesterday. I am sure you'll do just fine. All the best for your upcoming papers :)

And as for tomorrow, today I mean, approximately 5 hours from now, I am going to put the P back in PT, the T back in Time-keeping and the X back in Sexy. Get it? huh huh huh. 

Bah the delusions... Goodnight world and to you too, Ahla Piceh! (Someone help me with the spelling on my tagboard please)

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Twilight Zone

I am sitting right now 9 rows from the front on the extreme right attempting to understand the basics of Macroeconomics. I don't think I am doing a good job... Seriously... She could be singing in German and I swear it'll still sound the same to me. 

But on a lighter note, my knee's doing much better now. Kudos to Magic Lamp, Chinese Herbs and Western Medicine for making it possible. 

The last random point for this entry. A slice of papaya approximately 9 centimeters by 3 centimeters by 2 centimeters costs about 40 cents at YIH, NUS. I can get a slice of papaya 4 times the size at Far East Plaza for the same price. Someone please explain the logic of that to me. 

To stay or not to stay. Brain: Yes, Stomach: No and Heart: No. Majority wins. Till the next entry.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

And the rabbit hole just gets deeper...

Turns out the knee injury is worse then I initially thought it would be. Its causing me a terrible heartache now too... Oh well... better now then later aye?

Monday, October 20, 2008


My knee feels wobbly... oh shucks... I hope it doesn't deteriorate too much :(

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Out of a to-do list of ten things, I only succeeded in getting 2 ticks... ARGH!!! Datelines, Datelines, Datelines... oh I hope I have the strength to focus on the things that matter tomorrow... History Assignment, P.S. Slides and Discussion items, Econs Revision and... I can't remember the rest... ARGH!!! The scarcity of time, by far the most expensive of any commodity!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Updates from the West

Its almost two now but I thought I'd slot in a quick entry before I hit the sack. I secured a minor role in my hall production so... hurray to that! As what a seasoned actress, whom I had the great pleasure of making acquaintance with on the set of ANIC, told me during one of the rehearsals, there is no better place to dabble in this then during varsity. The freedom of being a whole other person on stage, basking in that limelight for that 10-15 seconds... simply exhilarating. But as with any other sport, there is a lot of hard work that comes with the package. Training is coming along pretty well, I have not really settled on a fixed training program yet but I guess it is starting to take shape. The company at school and during training have been excellent, as usual, and that definitely goes a long way in making the journey much smoother. That reminds me... the oktoberfest drinking and sausage-fest... :) I'll contact you guys soon. But if you are reading this, do drop me a reminder aye? Till the next entry!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ANIC: Memories

Post-Performance Reception

Us harassing one of the ballroom dancers 

Final debrief before the last performance
Shellfish and Xtomic
Part of the main cast
My favourite part of the performance (:

That million dollar picture

Charlie's Angels... I think...

Jeremy the kid on a permanent high

Ken and I on the way home

Thanks for the laughter, the tears and the invaluable lessons learnt about life and friendship. Till the next meet up!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Finally I did it!! I am on my MAC and mugging in the student lounge in YIH... just like a true blue mugger... ah the satisfaction :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Early Bird Catches the Worm...

Headed out for a swim earlier at around 10 a.m. My strokes are a little bit off and I can't seem to be able to stretch out. Hopefully a bit more practice and drills will get my strokes back in order. I had a quick talk with ZY last night and I do agree that I have been rather complacent as of late, not putting that much effort into my swim sessions. I am going to re-start building up my base again and I'll work from there. 

Kudos to my Geography group too who have been doing a lot of work... well much more than me at least... I'll make up for lost time :) 

Geography lecture at 12 p.m. I am still reeking of chlorine as I hack away at my MAC... I'd best be headed off for a shower now.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Its about half past five now, just a short half an hour break before I head off for my first Biathlon training for the week. One can't do much with half an hour, so I figured that blogging would be the most viable activity to do whilst I while away the time. 

Its now week 2 since the end of the mid-semester break. School work has still been rather forgiving but I do not think I am keeping up to date with my readings. Training wise, things are going according to plan as of now, but its starting to get a bit draining both physically and mentally. The late nights aren't helping too. Perhaps I should resolve to sleeping earlier... in bed by 11.30 in the evening... period. 

Oktoberfest is just around the corner... just thought I'd remind everyone whilst I am here.

Alrighty... time to hit the pool :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008


To buy or not to buy... To change or not to change... oh well... On a lighter note :), Thanks for the company this Saturday afternoon. I'll be looking forward to increased bonding sessions with you guys soon!! 

Friday, October 3, 2008

Gun Lae Gun

ถ้าบอกว่าเพลงนี้แต่งให้เธอ เธอจะเชื่อไหม
taa bok waa pleng nee dtaeng hai ter ter ja cheua mai
If I said that this song is made for you, would you believe it?

man aat mai pror mai seung mai suay ngaam meuan pleng tua bpai
It's probably not melodious, not affectionate, not beautiful like other songs.

อยากให้รู้ว่าเพลงรัก ถ้าไม่รักก็เขียนไม่ได้
yaak hai roo waa pleng rak taa mai rak gor kian mai daai
I want you to know that if there's no love, you can't write a love song.

แต่กับเธอคนดีรู้ไหม ฉันเขียนอย่างง่าย...ดาย
dtae gap ter kon dee roo mai chan kian yaang ngaai ... daai
But for you, my dear, do you know? I wrote it easily.

ter kong koie dai-yin pleng rak maa nap roi pan
You've probably heard hundreds and thousands of love songs

man aat ja dohn jai
that's probably impressive

dtae gor mee kwaam maai meuan-meuan gan dtae taa ter fang pleng nee
but with a similar meaning altogether, but if you listen to this song,

pleng tee kian peua ter tao nan
a song that's written simply for you.

peua ter kao jai kwaam maai laew jai ja daai mee gan lae gan
For you to understand the meaning of it, our hearts will then have a connection.

ให้มันเป็นเพลงบนทางเดินเคียง ที่จะมีเพียงเสียงเธอกับฉัน
hai man bpen pleng bon taang dern kiang tee ja mee piang siang ter gap chan
Let it be a song on our pathways that consist only voices of you and me.

yoo duay gan dtraap naan-naan
Together as long as possible.

dang nai jai kwaam bok nai ga-wee waa dtraap dai tee mee rak yom mee wang
As the meaning is told in a poetry that as long as there's love naturally there's hope.

คือทุกครั้งที่รักของเธอส่องใจ ฉันมีปลายทาง
keu took krang tee rak kong ter song jai chan mee bplaai taang
Means whenever your love shines through the heart, I have a goal.

mee kwaam jing yoo nai kwaam rak dtang maak maai
There is a lot of facts found in love,

lae tee paan maa chan chai way-laa peua haa kwaam maai
and in the past I used the time for the sake of finding the meaning.

แต่ไม่นานก็เพิ่งรู้ เมื่อทุกครั้งที่มีเธอใกล้
dtae mai naan gor perng roo meua took krang tee mee ter glai
But soon, I'd just know it, whenever you are near me,

ว่าถ้าชีวิตคือทำนอง เธอก็เป็นดังคำร้องที่เพราะและซึ้งจับใจ
waa taa chee-wit keu tam nong ter gor bpen dang kam rong tee pror lae seung jap jai
That if life's a rhythm, you are as good as the words that is melodious and touching to the heart.

ให้มันเป็นเพลงบนทางเดินเคียง ที่จะมีเพียงเสียงเธอกับฉัน
hai man bpen pleng bon taang dern kiang tee ja mee piang siang ter gap chan
Let it be a song on our pathways that consist only voices of you and me.

yoo duay gan dtraap naan-naan
Together as long as possible.

dang nai jai kwaam bok nai ga-wee waa dtraap dai tee mee rak yom mee wang
As the meaning is told in a poetry that as long as there's love naturally there's hope.

คือทุกครั้งที่รักของเธอส่องใจ ฉันมีปลายทาง
keu took krang tee rak kong ter song jai chan mee bplaai taang
Means whenever your love shines through the heart, I have a goal.

มีทางเดินให้เราเดินเคียง และมีเสียงของเธอกับฉัน
mee taang dern hai rao dern kiang lae mee siang kong ter gap chan
There's a pathway for us to walk side by side and there are voices of you and me.

มีทางเดินให้เราเดินร่วมเคียง และมีเสียงของเธอกับฉัน
mee taang dern hai rao dern ruam kiang lae mee siang kong ter gap chan
There's a pathway for us to walk side by side and there are voices of you and me.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Quote of the Week

Discourtesy does not spring merely from one bad quality, but from several--from foolish vanity, from ignorance of what is due to others, from indolence, from stupidity, from distraction of thought, from contempt of others, from jealousy.

Jean de la Bruyere
French moralist (1645 - 1696)

I couldn't have put it any better myself.

Into the Ocean

The cruelest words are best left unsaid,
The most hurtful truths, remain unwritten. 
Subtlety is instrumental in a blatant assault,
Just as a blunt knife inflicts the most painful of cuts. 
Many often confuse the relation between EQ and IQ,
Just as they discombobulate what one wears with who they are.
Confidence does not require a confrontation,
Just as status does not always beget respect.
The best reflection of one lies not in a mirror,
but in the impressions carved in the minds of those around.
To think without discourse is not a sin,
But to speak without deliberation causes a din.
Time is a commodity I cannot afford,
to waste on the intricacies of the petty episodes in life. 
A fifth of a century has come and gone,
Bring on the laughter, the races and cheers, 
I believe its high time I grow up and move on. (:


Friday, September 26, 2008

The day the rock bled

It was a good movie. A really good movie. 

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I make my own roads.

Life is fair. Life isn't fair. 

Regardless of that, there are choices that must be made, paths that need to be walked. 
Sometimes it all comes back to you twice as fast, twice as hard. 
The bitter aftertaste of life's nasty little twists... 
Can be so nauseating at times. 
It can be so hard to forget; 
So hard to wonder what should have been, what could have been. 
Whatever tears I have has been shed,
And all my wounds have long since healed.
Yet the scars remain and the heart still aches. 
I am going to leave that behind. 
I am going to walk on. 
I am going to run.
And to life's little ironies and fate's cruel plans, 
"Game on."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 7

“When Christians came to these islands they said, take this Bible, close your eyes and pray, so we did; when we opened our eyes all we had was this Bible and the white man had all our Islands.” 
- Hawaiian Kahuna

Quote of the week... I wish things were to go slightly smoother... too many bumps in the road... can be rather disheartening at times. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Aviva Half-Ironman Singapore 70.3: Reflections

I crashed. I messed up the race due to circumstances I could have avoided. I was over-confident. I failed to take the necessary provisions to go that step further. Putting that aside, there was some good that came out of this race too. I experience what it was like to crash at a pretty high speed in the middle of a half-ironman lake (Painful... that was about it), I learnt the consequences of poor pre-race preparation. The most important thing however was that I met really great people this time around, be it the Military guys from SAFSA, the Peeps from NUS Aquathlon or my fellow triathletes from TRI 21, you guys certainly made the journey so much more enjoyable. 

Triathlon is a truly remarkable sport, the half ironman one level up and the ironman experience (as I will experience in about a years time) a whole new game in its own right. The sport celebrates the spirit of athletic excellence; both the physical endurance and mental tenacity needed to undergo a race of such intensity. It isn't about finishing the race nor trying to win the race (as I have learnt) but its about doing your best and putting in the effort and making that commitment to accomplish whatever you have set your sights on doing. To all who participated in this year's half ironman, cheers to a job well done:) Now to find that training program for that 22nd of March race...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week 3

Tutorials have already begun and I am still struggling with the many readings they have given us. Time is a commodity I simply do not have enough of. Its amazing how the principles of economics applies so relevantly to my academic life. So much reading done, yet so little knowledge gained. I blame it solely on the 12-14 hours sleep sessions I take on a daily basis... severely detrimental. Alright... 5 min break up... back to a quick one hour of reading before heading to the pool :)

Monday, August 25, 2008


Less than two weeks... and I am not even up to scratch yet.. Shucks I need a miracle!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Adrenaline Rush

Had a great ride this morning with Norman, Des and JJ, with an average speed of approximately 33-35 km/h... total distance approximately 83km for me. (: Kudos to Norman for doing it without cleats haha... Tomorrow marks the official start of the school semester, its been a while since I hit the books so I am just hoping things go according to plan. Film and History... I hope they do have good flicks (:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What a wreck

I can't seem to smile right... All I can hope for now is some "photoshop magic" :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Only with an ending can one have a new beginning :)

Yesterday marked the final day of hall orientation and despite the hiccups along the way, punctuated by my occasional grunts of unhappiness at the most , I must say that the whole experience has most certainly been an extremely fruitful and memorable one. Some may say that the entire experience was a childish affair, perhaps even a terrible waste of a precious weekend. I would be lying if I denied I ever had any inclinations to think that way too but I guess one can only make his/her conclusion upon going through the whole "thingy". I made mine and I guess it is only for me to know and you to try and find out. Thank you Seniors (If you guys ever do chance upon my blog) for making our initiation into TH such a heart-warming one :) 


I am glad I made the right choices :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hall Orientation Day 2... GONE....

I went to bed last night with a stuffed nose and slight giddiness... and awoke this morning with a whole host of other symptoms associated with the flu... Its been a while since I felt like this.... gentle reminder of what its like to be human :(

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Moving on

I did it once but I couldn't find the strength and self-determination to see it through. The whole experience has been a myriad of conflicting emotions for me... one filled with its fair share of highs and lows. It wasn't the good feelings or the bad experiences which got to me but ironically the lack of any feeling or attachment at all and the occasional profound discomfort I felt at times which finally got to me. I am not going to put all my money on it being permanent but one thing I can and will say for sure... somethings will change. Perhaps its the familiarity of it all which still holds me back but as the saying goes, "time will erode even the strongest of feelings". Not being the most emotionally charged or sentimental of human beings will certainly make this a lot less trickier but most definitely not any easier. It could be that I am not what I made myself out to be all this time, or it could be just that I lacked the strength in pursuing what I really am. You decide.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Garage Sale

1:400 model planes (mostly Boeing 747s) for sale and that road bike :) do contact me if you're interested.

"There's no I in a Team but... there's a M-E in there" - Dr. House

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The most fascinating characteristic about human nature is its ability to evolve; to change and adapt to its environment. Everyone changes, some change for the better earlier while some turn for the worse with time, I too am no exception. In my evolutionary journey, I have come to realize that the human heart is an extremely vulnerable and tender object; in many cases the Achilles heel of a great many individuals. Emotions too betray rationale thought and are only liabilities in our journey to greater heights. I only keep what I need and I have no regrets with regards to the path I decided to take this. No anger, no sadness, no feelings of remorse, nothing at all whatsoever. Till the next entry.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I like what I can't have. 

I love what I detest the most. 
I usually try to end what I have not yet began,
Cause I always say what I do not truly feel. 

Monday, July 7, 2008

Best weekend in a long time :)

Thanks for the company :) and for making the whole trip a truly memorable one :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Facts of life

Interesting facts about my life in the dorms:

1.) I have yet to find the water-cooler, so I am still drinking mineral water purchased from Cheers like I am in some third world country.

2.) The entire campus doesn't sell proper shampoo short of the hair-loss one by Pantene at Cheers.

3.) My lecture group being over enthusiastic as it already is (which is by no means a bad thing... I think.) leaves me wondering how my first tutorial will go.

4.) I train in my own room cause there is no where else to set up the bike trainer and the bike. 

5.) I siphon itunes song-list from people on the network. (NO... just the song list... and two movies so far.)

My fourth day in the hall and I am already wondering how I survived for so long. It does leave a sense of nostalgia brining back the good old memories of my SISPEC days in camp, lest the presence of good company. Well hopefully I do well enough to execute plan b in a couple of months time :)

Lucy the Lifesaver... Tech version

I received my first macbook in March as a birthday present from my aunt and mum. I have never been a very tech-savvy person and the fact that it took nearly a lifetime to get myself accustomed to working with a laptop (I was working in IBM... so... it definitely wasn't an apple product (: ) and having to make another switch to another OS certainly did not seem very appealing. But anyway, the switch  was made and I can safely say that it was the best move I have ever made in a long time. 

Now that I have got the history of how I got my first MACbook out of the way, its time to get on with the story. 2008 not only marks the end of 2007, my 21st anniversary on this earth or me finishing up with my national service commitment but it also marks my inaugural year in NUS. So with that in mind, I must add that the Mac could not have arrived at a better a time. With greater control over my time and life, I proceeded to explore just what exactly made the MAC the MAC. 

I have always been having trouble with my wireless connection and the new and improved Airport by Apple certainly eliminated those wireless dis-connection problems. By far, getting rid of the connection problem certainly was the biggest gift the MAC could give me. The Leopard OS too was something to reckon with. The OS proved to be extremely user-friendly and it didn't take me too long to start wizzing around the Leopard's internal applications like a Pro. I certainly can't provide a better application analysis than the tons of reviews out there online and in the millions of magazines out there... but... hell they are simply amazing. 

Applications aside, the next thing about the MAC that simply got me going was the sleek, gorgeous shell encasing all that amazing technology. The white casing, smooth exterior and that glowing apple logo outshining everything in a dark room... simply if I may add here... ORGASMIC :)

Staying in the dormitories certainly can be lonesome at times (Especially in a single dormitory as a freshman), and having my MACbook around certainly makes the nights a lot less lonelier. Listening to music, chatting with friends, movie-watching and blogging... none of it would have been possible without my trusty little sidekick. I spend so much time with the MACbook that I even decided to call her Lucy (No harm getting a little bit more personal with something so beautiful aye?) Let's just say that my love affair with "Lucy" has only gotten better with time and will get better with time to come.

Do check out MACbook and other Apple products, including the much anticipated IPhone, at