Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Zanny Quotes

You will tend to behave and adopt traits of the people you hang around. Its very important that you surround yourself with people you'd like to emulate... its only human nature...

Saturday, August 28, 2010


We live in a time and age where we need to be extra vigilante about the choice of words and expressions we use. I believe that there is nothing wrong with having an opinion but... it pays to be mindful of just how one expresses that opinion. Vague, sweeping statements of frustration and angst gets nobody anywhere... except a trip to the neighborhood police post. Its so easy to just dislike something for the sake of disliking it... but sometimes that isn't enough. If you can't substantiate or clarify what you mean online... don't even attempt to start anything. Its just going to backfire and blow up in your face as poor Abdul Malak has now realized. His choice of words, which went somewhere along the lines of "It's time to burn the minister and the PAP for this incident" was taken way out of context and became a cause of concern for the authorities. I empathize with Mr Malak. It wasn't too long ago when I found myself in a similar predicament as Mr Malak.

Having lost my temper with a fellow team-mate in Junior College over some ridiculously mundane issue, I stomped over to her lecture and gave her a piece of my mind. Somewhere in between that exchange, I told her in a menacing tone that, "if she continued to play with fire, she was going to get burnt". She went back and told her mum that I was going to set her alight or something and the next day, I found myself sitting in the principal's office with her mum, her and MY mum having tea with both the principal and the discipline master. At that juncture, I felt really pissed off with everyone involved for blowing up what I felt was a ridiculously childish issue. On hindsight, I now understand what Mr Hodge and my mum were trying to get at. That ancient chinese saying... about how its ok to "any-how" eat rice but it isn't right to "any-how" say stuff... certainly carries a helluva lot more weight than previously thought. So to Mr Malak... I say just take it as a lesson well learnt and be more careful with your opinions henceforth.

To the relevant authorities who made the arrest... I don't think arresting Mr Malak has helped much in the quest to clam down on those seeking to "incite public disorder and violence". Have a bit more faith in online community. Just as Mr Malak was able to find support for his anger and angst against the YOG organizing committee, I am pretty sure that giving those who felt contrary to how Mr Malak felt a chance to have their say against him on the internet, instead of throwing weight of judiciary against him, might have made a more positive impact on the public.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Life Stages

Everybody has issues. Some have academic issues which needs to be monitored 24/7 in some random library, others have issues pertaining to "god-knows-what" which can be rectified by downing 12 shots of "whatever-random-alcohol". Some, however, have issues which can only be solved after deep thought/reflection in a "conducive-environment". I found that "conducive-environment" today and realized that I had to be traveling at approximately 33-36 km/h along a straight and quiet road for this self-analysis mood/mode to kick in.

I have and always believed that age is merely a number. You're never too young or too old to see or do something. However, I believe that a life can be divided into stages, which isn't confined to any numerical perimeters; and that in each stage... you'll tend to be inclined to do certain stuff which you might not do or might not have done before. It wasn't too long ago when I was at that point in my life where I just wanted to do everything, be everywhere and so on and so forth. I wanted to be the best tri-athlete I could ever be... yet on the other hand I wanted to be up there, partying with the big boys; breezing past the long queues at clubs and chilling out with the who's who in whatever club I was in. I started to loose focus of what I really wanted in life and the goals I had set out for myself 2 years ago upon the completion of my national service. Indeed, I had forgotten the very vows I made to myself 4 years ago when I received my A level transcripts back in RJC. As I cycled past the airport, past ECP on my way to catch the final celebration of what seemed to be quite a successful inaugural YOG, I realized that I had lost control of where I wanted to go in life.

So there, as the last of the fireworks sizzled out and faded into the night sky, I decided that I have been set adrift long enough. Its not enough to just sit back and hate the world for the cards life has dealt me. Its time, I think, for me to up the ante and to start walking the talk :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I finally asked the question. I sure as hell almost didn't but I am glad I did. I can't say that I wasn't expecting anything but I am really glad it turned out alright. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I've got a question for you...

Friday, August 20, 2010


I was watching the Youth Olympic Games on TV earlier in the day, and the day before... and the day before for that for all the wrong reasons... and I can safely conclude that... I am now inspired and ready to give it my all from now till the end of my swim and biathlon season :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Islamic and Indian Political Thought

I am seriously enjoying this module. I like how my prof speaks and gestures like a super zen master.... AWESOME :)

Moving on

At some point in time, we need to let go. We need to let go of whatever emotional baggage we might be holding on to so we can get on with life. I think that's some seriously awesome advice that I am going to listen to :) As highlighted by a close friend on a recent twitter update, Carrie Bradshaw once said,‎ "You can't get to your future if your past is present." :)

And I kinda like the picture below... Credits go to Mr Chang Zhi Quan... Thanks dude :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

NUS Rag 2009/2010

After Wednesday's swim training, the whole lot of us (the old group that is...) chugged down to West Coast Mac's for dinner. There, we reminisced about the summer holiday that had just gone by and "introduced" a new team-mate to the intricacies of NUS... the real NUS. One thing let to another and it wasn't long before we broached on the topic of Rag and Flag. I couldn't help myself. I have never been a fan... of anything... well NUS-branded. SO there I was, sitting in front of my team-mates going on and on about why Rag was not only a waste of personal time but a waste of school resources too. The rest of the guys weren't as vehemently against the entire concept of rag as I was and to their credit (Yes Bryan...) they did put up a good defense for Rag. There was little doubt that the cons outweighed the pros a great deal but that little debate we had at Mac's did got me thinking... who was I to bitch and moan about rag when I myself have never bothered to even involve myself in one. So I decided to check out this year's rag myself.

Now 5 hours after returning from NUS... I can safely conclude that Rag is a hot, crowded, sweaty... but altogether fulfilling experience. I for one will most probably never sacrifice any of my holidays to do this but... to those who did... I must say that it was a job well done :)

That aside... the other question that remains... is should I... or more specifically... HOW should I follow my heart :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Emotional Baggage

The grass is always greener on the other side. Some patches anyway. I still question the path I took; the decisions I've made. To be what I am or to be what I should be... Answers which only lead to more questions are all I have to rely on :(