Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's nearly 1 am and I should be focusing on my damn job applications instead of blogging. But seeing how I can't seem to focus on the readings at hand, and that I am getting increasingly unproductive on Words, I figured I should just let off some steam here. Well, it isn't exactly steam either, seeing how I am not exactly frustrated or particularly upset about anything right now. A lot has happened in the past couple of months, as mentioned numerous times in previous posts. One issue that has cropped up quite a bit was the manner in which I dealt with my relationships. I've been accused of being negligent, callous, rude, arsehole-ish... basically every known negative adjective. Well, I do concede on being somewhat self absorbed... let's just say it takes two hands to clap and I am not the only one with issues. I'll discuss this in detail in a future post. This is, in actual fact, a warm up post. It's amazing how fast one's writing skills go all rusty after months/years of neglect. Till the next post! 

I vaguely remember ending all my blog posts with a witty one-liner. Sadly, given the late hour and my fatigued state. This will have to suffice for now. 

"I'll be back." 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An Old Friend

I logged in my very first blog entry on the 20th of September 2007, approximately 6 years and 1 month ago. A lot has happened since that first entry, though much of what has happened hasn't been entirely productive. I have good times and bad times, gained weight and lost (sadly not much) weight, fell out with friends and made new ones... indeed quite a bit has happened. I find reading through my old posts strangely therapeutic and altogether depressing. The one thing I keep asking myself is what happened to that 20 year old who wanted to change the world not too long ago? If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say he got distracted by fleeting fantasies of success and smitten by delusions of grandeur to make his own road. Well, it's not like I didn't try... I did, but probably not hard enough. I've decided to mothball my entrepreneurial endeavors for the time being. I am in the midst of tidying up my resume and will strive to secure a regular job by mid-november. There's a lot that needs to be done and a lot I would like to type about; my run-in with URA, my entrepreneurial journey and something a little closer to my heart, the highs and (mostly lows) of my dismal love life. Well baby steps I'd say. I am off to lunch now :) 

Mum, Me and the latest addition to our family... Gus :) 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Akan Datang :)

Back from the Dead. Again.

I made a commitment to start blogging again a while back. I obviously failed in keeping to that commitment. Anyhow, I am back for good. Granted that I am not embarking on my own little social enterprise, it's best if I start honing my writing skills back again. I stopped blogging a while back because... well... let's just say I had issues that needed settling. Now that most of my emotional baggage has now been flung out of the window, I think I am ready to start blogging all over again :) We're almost halfway through the year and things have been interesting so far. I can't wait to write about it in my latter posts. Stay tune for that :) 

Peace out :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Post Breakfast Reflections

Reality. Reality is the 3 ton truck that comes rolling down at a breakneck speed and smashes into you before you even realize it's even there. Reality is painful and mediocre. Reality is... where all your fantastic dreams go to die. 

The only reason why I am writing this post at 8.30am in the morning is because I decided to skip my morning run and whilst trying to enjoy a quiet peaceful morning before heading in to work, I had inadvertently pissed off my mum with a comment I made. Something about "Being commanded around by women at work and at home, so please leave me alone for an hour...". Not the smartest nor nicest thing to hear your son say at 8am in the morning after preparing the day's lunch for him to take with him to work. 

I apologize unreservedly for the comment mum. It was tactless and pretty mean. More importantly, that wasn't what I meant when I said it. 

I am extremely frustrated about almost everything that's going on around me now. The mediocre existence, working ridiculous hours for pittance, the disruption to my exercise schedule... everything. I have had things pretty easy for the better part of my life and I am still trying to adapt to this whole "your time and life does not belong to you" bit. I, unfortunately, have become extremely overprotective of my "personal time" at the expense of infringing on others... especially you mum. To be frank you're one of the few people I am pretty cool with chilling out at the end of a long day. Thanks mum for everything and sorry about that "domineering women" comment again. Though you must concede you can be quite assertive at times :)

Anyway this has been pretty cathartic. I think I can make this a regular thing once more :) Alrighty... back to life :(