Saturday, December 27, 2008

Light at the end of the Tunnel

I think the ride has just about come to an end. Certain stuff that should never been said have been said and certain actions which should never been done have been done. Perhaps its time to let go and let the healing begin. Let's not make this a cyclical episode every festive season... On the lighter side of things, I am glad for the people that have been around for me during this rather un-festive season. Thanks for making things much better and thanks for just being there. To the rest of the world which just went by... oh well what I can I say... I think I have had a long enough break anyway... 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Waning Interest

Its dying...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Diamond Dealer. Coffee Trader. Investment Banker. Entrepreneur. Club Owner. Car Dealer. Computer Hacker. I sure as hell don't see any of these listed under the "Job Prospects for Shit-Arse Smart University Graduates" list. I am going to learn and do the things that matter from now on. 

Why be a lawyer when you can hire ten, be a doctor when you can shape the way future hospitals work or be an engineer when you can own a hotel... I am have always been a dreamer... always... then I started to be a talker... now to be a believer and more importantly by my next entry.... a do-er... Merry Christmas to all. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reality Check

When things start to take a turn for the worst, they have a way of just synching themselves so that one disaster after the next hits you consecutively.... But I am pretty sure this episode's about over for me. Despite the terrible times, the great company and advice I got and received (at the most awkward of hours too... my apologies) showed me the meaning behind good friendship and comradely. I sincerely hope that I could be half a good a friend you all were to me over the last week. I am not too happy with how my life is going till now but I am more than ready to get up and do something about it... desperate times call for desperate measures... so I should be in for a rather good time :)

There was a good article in today's TODAY... I'll quote it once I get my hands on the online copy... and yes Caramel Macchiato is a welcome change from Green Tea Frappachino... 

Friday, December 19, 2008


I don't think I want to carry on anymore. I am just so screwed up, I can't focus anymore. I am calling it quits. On everything. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Walk on

Love songs (especially those that echo every Wednesday @ Jiak Kim Street) often tell of how one falls in and out of love in 3 minutes. Definitely a lesson for the uninitiated. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Word

One Word was all it took. Thanks :)

On a lighter note... we do have some of the crappiest bloggers (personal opinion) on the net. Gross...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I thought I could read the signs. Turns out I just can't seem to interpret you half the time. Don't let this leap of faith be in vain.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Whispering my goodbyes, waiting for the train...

I honestly did not know what to expect at this year's Zoukout. Before purchasing the tickets, I did ask those who went last year about their experience. Some hated it, some loved it, some thought that clubbing in beach attire over 12 hours (and paying a huge sum of money for lack of air-conditioning and sand in your shoes/sandals) was a little over-rated. With those feedback in mind, one could say I was without expectations. 

Now that I have "Zouked" out by the beach, I can say with 95 percent confidence that the experience was indeed a memorable one. The larger space more than made up for the other discomforts. The music was great and the crowd... wilder than those encountered on a typical Wednesday night. Binge-drinking, Mindless grinding and Indiscriminate jumping about was the name of the game last night. The Mambo segment from 2245 to 0230 was definitely the highlight of the night for me... (What else did you expect). My biggest regret was not cam-whoring during this year's Zoukout... and booking a room... and securing better ticketing prices... and... and... haha the list goes on I guess. Thanks to Aldrich, Dexter, Joshua and YL for the excellent company last night :) 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Planning is the key to avoiding the Nasty shock of failures

Two Holidays, One Ironman race, One half-ironman race, one wild weekend out and renovation stuff. So much stuff to do... so little time... well... busy is good I guess...

History is written by the victors

I was sent a link to a rather interesting article today pertaining to the story of the rise of the PAP government in Singapore in the 1960s and 70s. I must admit that the article proved itself to be an eye-opener to what may have happened back then. The recent declassification of a number of British Colonial Records with regards to the events surrounding Singapore's fight for self-governance did make me re-think the "Singapore Story" as it was thought to us repeatedly through the various National Education and Social Studies modules through our Primary and Secondary education years. Singapore is what it is today, for better or for worse, because of the actions and determination of our forefathers and there is nothing to deny that fact. However, I believe that as citizens of a country which has come so far in so little a time, we're more that capable of handling the truth of what happened in those years of turmoil and instability. The lessons from the actions decided upon then could perhaps help us better appreciate the sacrifice of those who sweat and bled for our nation. 

The link as follows:

Disclaimer: In light of recent events, I thought it'd be wise for me to just mention that I am in no way politically inclined in any direction :) I am very happy with my life thus far and thankful for the system in place which enabled me to succeed and prosper. The reason why I feel that this information should be shared is because I feel (personal opinion) that knowing another piece/ part of the story would allow us to better understand how Singapore is what it is today :) 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


500 m Warm-up

15 X 100 m pulling [moderate - fast]

6 X 100 m kicking [Still very weak... need to work on kick frequency]

600 m Drills [Single Arm/ Catch up]

50-100-150-200-150-100-50 Pyramid [Slowed down during 200m]

100 m Cool Down

2 X 25 Sprint 75 Stoke

50 m Cool Down

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The plans that were not to be.

I was supposed to be at the Padang at 2.00 a.m. However, as predicted by a multitude of people, I was tucked in bed, safely away from the sweaty bods and over enthusiastic marathon-runners. I woke up at 11 a.m, feeling unhappy and pissed off about missing the marathon (for about 14 seconds), and headed out with my mum, sis and pooch to tidy up the new place. We spent the greater part of the afternoon replanting, trimming, hacking and grooming the flora around the garden. Despite the number of people chilling out around the garden, I must add that the bulk of the work was done by my godfather and maid... hey gardening isn't my specialty aye! :) Despite the absolute lack of activities (except for the uprooting and re-potting done by the "gardeners"), I must admit that the company more then made up for it. 

Congrats to the marathon-runners too for achieving their respective goals and times. I hope you know that I was rooting for all of you in lala-land. Till the next entry :)

Swim, Run & Bike

800m Easy Swim [Open Water Swim]

5 km Moderate Run [Fast first half, slower second]

Leg Drills and Simple Core Work out

100 km bike [West Coast, LCK, Mandai loop] 

Its about 1 am and my bio-clock is so damn screwed up. Will be heading out to the padang soon. 

Friday, December 5, 2008


Everyone has a temper; an upper-limit; a breaking point or whatever you wanna call it. I just reached mine. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Post-Mambo Reflections

The December 3rd outing to Zouk was a much anticipated one and despite missing the first half an hour of Retro classics and forgetting a better half of the songs due to the long abstinence, the overall experience was nothing short of perfect. Despite the din and throngs of people milling about, I did manage to catch up with a number of friends, with whom I have not seen for a while. I thoroughly enjoyed the selection of songs... again to reiterate the fact that nothing beats a good wednesday night out at Zouk :) well except perhaps for a nice long uninterrupted sleep on Thursday Morning and Afternoon :) Next Wednesday's plan shouldn't be too different I guess.

My Grandmother once mentioned a quote which pretty much sums up my sentiments about some recent events. "Rice, when cooked, can be eaten freely without consideration; Words, when said, cannot be retracted despite regret". Interesting how an ancient (to my knowledge) quote still holds through today. Till the next entry :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


9.0 Km run around Bedok Reservoir. 

[First 4.3 km moderate, Second 4.3 km fast, 400m drills and cool down.] 

Good Feeling during the run :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The night a deafening stillness that shrouds all across the land.
The gunshots cease to echo, drowned out by silent prayers.
The crimson sea of red flows on, only to empty into a basin of tears.
Those three night a silent reminder, that so often slips our mind,
Of  the price of peace and hope, the cost of war and anger. 

- Jason Yip

Swim & Bike

800m Warm-up

 [I did easy stroking, trying to get back the feel of the water.]

12 X 100m Pulls 
[Mod-Hard pace. Again was focusing more on the strokes and the feel. Did get a bit laggy towards the end] 

600m Kicks
[Nothing fantastic...]

5 X 200m Swim 
[Started off a bit lethargically but it got better towards the end]

4 X 50m Sprint
[Didn't make the best out of the set... ]

100m Cool-Down

Notes: Started earlier. I think swimming works better when swimming with others :( oh well...

Cycled from school to home
[Great ride! :)]

Monday, December 1, 2008


One and a half loops Bedok Reservoir plus journey to and fro... should be about 7.5-8 km 

Mindless Violence

I believe that if you've got a point to make, make it. In the process of making that point, however trivial it maybe, do it at no cost or burden to others. Especially those who have no part at all in your devious, heinous acts. The brutal murders of innocent tourists and unarmed women do not aid your cause in anyway. Terrorists seems to be the terminology most commonly used in labeling the individuals responsible for these acts. Cowardice seems to be a more appropriate label if you ask me. I have learnt that events take on a very different light when they strike close to home. Peace should never, ever be taken for granted. My condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Mumbai attacks. Goodnight world. 

Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
It is right and it is duty.

- Oscar Romero