Thursday, March 24, 2011


You know the feeling one gets when one sits idly at the computer and surfs randomly for hours... browsing through random Facebook profile pages, reading through blogposts belonging to total strangers and deciphering 140 character coded messages on Twitter... yeah that feeling... I tend to get that quite a bit these days. On hindsight, the "hangover" from that mindless surfing leaves one reeling from extreme lethargy and a strange numbness in the brain. However, every dark cloud has its silver lining, and this mindless surfing on the net is no exception too. What one looses in terms of academic productivity, one reaps, multifold I must add, in what I would describe as "social knowledge". The latest gossip on who's dating who, who's got laid, who's popped out of the closet... my my... :) Its also fascinating to watch how individuals try so be someone else on the internet. The socially awkward becomes Mr Popular, the retards who can't converse in simple English (OR Mandarin for that matter...) start blogging in French and the silent start becoming opinionated anonymously... There's no crime in doing all that I guess but just so YOU know... I think its sad... :)