Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's nearly 1 am and I should be focusing on my damn job applications instead of blogging. But seeing how I can't seem to focus on the readings at hand, and that I am getting increasingly unproductive on Words, I figured I should just let off some steam here. Well, it isn't exactly steam either, seeing how I am not exactly frustrated or particularly upset about anything right now. A lot has happened in the past couple of months, as mentioned numerous times in previous posts. One issue that has cropped up quite a bit was the manner in which I dealt with my relationships. I've been accused of being negligent, callous, rude, arsehole-ish... basically every known negative adjective. Well, I do concede on being somewhat self absorbed... let's just say it takes two hands to clap and I am not the only one with issues. I'll discuss this in detail in a future post. This is, in actual fact, a warm up post. It's amazing how fast one's writing skills go all rusty after months/years of neglect. Till the next post! 

I vaguely remember ending all my blog posts with a witty one-liner. Sadly, given the late hour and my fatigued state. This will have to suffice for now. 

"I'll be back." 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An Old Friend

I logged in my very first blog entry on the 20th of September 2007, approximately 6 years and 1 month ago. A lot has happened since that first entry, though much of what has happened hasn't been entirely productive. I have good times and bad times, gained weight and lost (sadly not much) weight, fell out with friends and made new ones... indeed quite a bit has happened. I find reading through my old posts strangely therapeutic and altogether depressing. The one thing I keep asking myself is what happened to that 20 year old who wanted to change the world not too long ago? If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say he got distracted by fleeting fantasies of success and smitten by delusions of grandeur to make his own road. Well, it's not like I didn't try... I did, but probably not hard enough. I've decided to mothball my entrepreneurial endeavors for the time being. I am in the midst of tidying up my resume and will strive to secure a regular job by mid-november. There's a lot that needs to be done and a lot I would like to type about; my run-in with URA, my entrepreneurial journey and something a little closer to my heart, the highs and (mostly lows) of my dismal love life. Well baby steps I'd say. I am off to lunch now :) 

Mum, Me and the latest addition to our family... Gus :)