Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's nearly 1 am and I should be focusing on my damn job applications instead of blogging. But seeing how I can't seem to focus on the readings at hand, and that I am getting increasingly unproductive on Words, I figured I should just let off some steam here. Well, it isn't exactly steam either, seeing how I am not exactly frustrated or particularly upset about anything right now. A lot has happened in the past couple of months, as mentioned numerous times in previous posts. One issue that has cropped up quite a bit was the manner in which I dealt with my relationships. I've been accused of being negligent, callous, rude, arsehole-ish... basically every known negative adjective. Well, I do concede on being somewhat self absorbed... let's just say it takes two hands to clap and I am not the only one with issues. I'll discuss this in detail in a future post. This is, in actual fact, a warm up post. It's amazing how fast one's writing skills go all rusty after months/years of neglect. Till the next post! 

I vaguely remember ending all my blog posts with a witty one-liner. Sadly, given the late hour and my fatigued state. This will have to suffice for now. 

"I'll be back." 


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog for the 1st time... (^-^)/

Somehow, your following paragraph:
A lot has happened in the past couple of months...... One issue that has cropped up quite a bit was the manner in which I dealt with my relationships. I've been accused of being negligent, callous, rude, arsehole-ish... basically every known negative adjective. Well, I do concede on being somewhat self absorbed... let's just say it takes two hands to clap and I am not the only one with issues."
This para seems so similar and it somehow state exactly what I'm feeling.... Being branded such negative adjectives do make me ponder if I'm really such an "unworthy" person. I tried explaining the fact that it takes 2 hands to clap for a failed relationship and we both got issues but ended up I got slapped with more adjectives as in how defensive and delusional I am. :(
When we bicker my mind just becomes flustered and somehow I just become that person that is not able to express myself properly. Somehow my brain just seems to lose my chain of thoughts and somehow not able to articulate and express what was exactly on my mind. Instead of receiving assuring reactions that he is interested in hearing what I have to say, I got him feeling impatient.

Anyway just some random rattling here....

Jason Yip said...

I am sorry I took so long to get back to you :) I've been neglecting this blog for quite a while now. I hope you sorted things out with your special someone whoever you are :)